Hobbies improve our health

Cooking, painting, or meditation are not only meant to good in your CV, but they also improve our health! People who put their hobbies into a routine, permanently reduce the level of stress and thus the risk of developing certain diseases, such as blood pressure complications or depression.

Anyone who has no hobbies to compensate for routine life is more likely to get sick from stress, be it with a real burnout or with constant infections. A hobby helps to switch off and reduce stress.

Sport as a hobby is particularly good. This is even scientifically proven because exercising burns off the excess adrenaline, which is known to be the stress hormone par excellence.

Doing work with your hands can also reduce your stress level. Why? Because manual work clears the head. A 2013 study of 3,500 subjects also found that manual work and cognitive skills are closely related: during the study, the more participants knitted, the better their brain activity was.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, petting animals lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and reduces the feeling of loneliness. Dogs have a positive effect on humans. Animals touch something inside us. Our well-being increases while stress levels ebb down. Randolph Barker of Virginia Commonwealth University has studied the impact that dogs in the office have on employees. The blood subjects were drawn to measure the concentration of stress hormones during the day. the blood containing the least amount of stress hormones were that of the employees who were allowed to take their four-legged companions to work. But even in the case of the dog-free subjects, the stress levels dropped. They also reported that they found the presence of their colleagues' dogs beneficial. This is because dogs have a similar effect in humans as babies: dealing with them stimulates the production of the happiness hormone, called oxytocin, in the human organism.

Cooking can be fun, but also requires patience and promotes a sense of time. Cooking together strengthens social skills. Beyond that, cooking also promotes psychomotor and cognitive abilities as well as enjoyment of food preparation and its consumption. According to studies, people who regularly bring home-made foods take 130 calories less per day than those who eat a lot. Another plus: cooking with your children reduces their risk of becoming obese.

Donate. According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, the act of donating lowers blood pressure reduces stress levels, prolongs life and has a positive effect on our mood. People who do not volunteer or donate have, according to the study, a 30 percent higher risk of dying from stress.

Gardening is good for stress and depression and has a relaxing effect. Studies have also found that gardening reduces the risk of dementia by about 40 percent. In addition, the movement keeps you physically fit. Another plus point: The spices and plants that you grow to make your self-cooked food even healthier!

Meditation has a positive effect on the health, well-being, concentration and overall performance of people. You can even integrate meditation into the workplace. As a means to increase satisfaction and reduce sickness, as well as to improve team spirit, performance, innovation and motivation of the most important asset of their business: the employees. Meditation is not only good for our mind and mood, it also has many positive effects on our body: for example, it improves digestion, lowers blood pressure, counteracts stress and relieves stress-related inflammation. Meditation, according to the Journal of Neuroscience, can even reduce physical pain by 27 percent and emotional pain by 44 percent. (Morphine only relieves pain by 22 percent.)

Drawing or painting has a positive effect on our mental health. Art therapy, for example, reduces stress, anxiety and helps to relax.

Time off from work reduces the risk of heart disease and depression. In addition, according to a study published in the journal "Psychosomatic Medicine," recreational activities lower blood pressure and the release of stress hormones.

That sounds very good and interesting. But reality looks different! A person spends more than a third of his waking hours at work! Naturally, you need to have a little family, but there is simply no time for hobbies.

Hobby workshops in the workplace? Could that be the solution?

As much as the work is fun, you just need recovery periods. It is important to finally change your mind in order to recharge your own batteries and clear your head. Just not thinking about work for a few minutes or even an hour is very relaxing. No one is able to concentrate 8 hours straight. When working for long hours without a break, the quality of work suffers. What should one do during these micro-breaks? What is the best way to increase productivity?

Creative workshops in the workplace allow employees to briefly break away from their professional and personal daily requirements and open up an appetite for hobbies. The people then return to their tasks in a more relaxed and focused manner. Through targeted placement, all employees are offered the opportunity to develop their physical, mental, social and emotional abilities.

More and more companies are becoming aware of their responsibility and understanding that they must contribute to health and well-being - physically as well as psychologically - in the workplace.

The key to a successful WHM program is the promotion of overall well-being. It is equally important that employees enjoy it.

Some of our customers

  • Adobe
  • Lindt  Sprngli
  • Hoffmann La Roche Logo
  • Novartis
  • MSD
  • Hays Logo
  • ABB
  • Neues Skan Logo
  • Kanton Zrich
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  • Schaffner
  • Glaxosmithkline Logo
  • Oracle
  • Johnson
  • Kistler
  • Alexion ConvertImage
  • Egonzehnder ConvertImage
  • ETH
  • Bär&Karrer
  • Buelach Spital
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  • Allegis Group Company Logo 1
  • lafarge
  • EBD Group
  • Thales
  • Uster
  • Zimmer
  • Mhp

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  • Ljubinka H., Administrative Expert Global Drug Development - Novartis Pharma

    „Der Vortrag in Novartis Pharma AG, Basel am 28.08 war beindruckend und hat mir geholfen meine Erfahrungen und Erinnerungen im Bereich des Unterbewusstseins, wieder bewusst bewerten und anwenden zu können."

  • Elaine Skapetis, Front End Engineer, Marketing & Web Platform, Adobe Switzerland

    „Before I met Mara Schär at Joy Corporate I was overwhelmed and in stress regarding our events organization, because is a big challenge to get in touch with the right professionals and have the right connections for each area. Mara helped me to organize a lot of workshops and people had only good feedback: “The best professionals, great method, great organization”. For me work with Joy Corporate is more than just a company business. I see that she is looking to improve and help people, creating a customizing plan for each one. I’m thankful to work with such professionals.“

  • Susanne Hänni, Communications Switzerland - Novartis International AG

    "Der Vorstand und die Mitglieder des NAV’s (Novartis Angestellten Verband) fanden den Vortrag «Die Psychologie des Überzeugens» lehrreich."

  • Sonja Buric, Human Resources Specialist - Bär & Karrer AG

    Vielen Dank! Hat alles wunderbar funktioniert und ich persönlich fand's auch super.

  • Laura Rheinwald Supervisor CX & Strategic Sourcing, HAYS Recruiting experts worldwide

    Ich fand das Webinar sehr inspirierend und hilfreich. Wir haben insgesamt auch sehr gutes Feedback von Teilnehmern bekommen.

  • Ramon Bißwanger, Senior Consultant Adobe Experience Cloud

    I have been attending a chocolate workshop organized by Joy Corporate together with my 2 kids. All was perfectly organized and the kids enjoyed making their own chocolate, especially putting sprinkles, hearts and other decoration on top of it. They have been talking about the workshop to all other kids in their kindergarden on the next day.

  • Julia Sumpf, Global Marketing Assistent

    "Ich habe bereits schon an mehreren Events und Workshops von Joy Corporate teilgenommen. Besonders gefällt mir an den Events, dass ein gutes Verhältnis zwischen Theorie und Praxis gefunden wird. Anhand vieler Übungen im Team lässt sich das Erlernte anwenden und somit verinnerlichen. Die Workshops sind immer hervorragend organisiert und durchgeführt. Vielen Dank!"

  • Ronald Steiger O&HR, HR Manager LafargeHolcim Holderbank

    "Unsere Mitarbeiter konnten sich mit dem Workshop "Impact of sleep" einen Überblick verschaffen über das wichtige Thema "Schlaf". Sie erhielten wertvolle Tipps, wie sie sich auf einen gesunden und guten Schlaf vorbereiten können und was eher zu vermeiden sei. Insgesamt ein sehr informativer und wertvoller Beitrag."

  • Lionel B., Brand Manager Europe, Colgate-Palmolive

    I attended the 2019 Communication Events with Wladislaw Jachtchenko in business at Adobe. The talented speaker took us on a journey to explore the topics by fully engaging the audience with role-plays or smart questioning. Memorable. Would highly recommend this experience organized by Joy Corporate.

  • Erich Broenimann HR Business Partner - Kistler Instrumente AG

    "Ich möchte mich nochmals für den reibungslosen Ablauf bedanken. Das Feedback der Teilnehmer war bisher nur positiv."

  • Michèle Albrecht Fritschi - Schulverwaltung Sekundarstufe Uster

    "Unser Feedback ist sehr positiv. Der Workshop "Zeitmanagement" hat bei uns einen sehr guten Eindruck hinterlassen und das Eine oder Andere wird auch schon regelmässig angewendet."

  • Peter Z., Egon Zehnder International (Switzerland) Ltd

    The event was great and the speech of Mr. Seidler’s workshop excellent. People were impressed.

  • Tatiana Malinina - Diversity & Inclusion Manager, JTI

    I would like to say “thank you” to Mr Seidler, it was great and very clear presentation. I enjoyed a lot.

  • Ananda Staudenmann, Kauffrau EFZ und WBA-Therapeutin

    „Die Zusammenarbeit mit Mara und ihrem Team ist professionell und kundenfreundlich. Joy Corporate bietet viele Möglichkeiten sich und seinen Mitarbeitenden Gutes zu tun. Eine Empfehlung für alle, die Corporate Wellbeing umsetzen möchten.“

  • Florian Schär, CEO Masterhomepage GmbH, Basel

    „Joy Corporate hat uns von Anfang an überzeugt. Die Mitarbeiter sollen sich bei uns wohlfühlen. Die vielen Möglichkeiten an Workshops und Vorträgen sind beeindruckend. Auch für kleinere Firmen ist der Mehrwert deutlich spürbar.“

  • Marina Riedi, EQ Power, Trainer für Emotionale Intelligenz und Coach PCC ICF

    "Meine Zusammenarbeit mit Mara Schär war äusserst angenehm, als ich im Auftrag von Joy Corporate einen Workshop über Emotionale Intelligenz geben konnte. Mara schenkte mir Ihr Vertrauen und gab mir die Freiheit, das Training nach meiner Regie zu gestallten, was ich sehr schätze. Ich lernte Mara als eine offene, herzige, kreative und zuverlässige Person kennen. Mich beeindruckt auch Ihre Tüchtigkeit Kunden zu gewinnen, die mir und anderen Trainer neue Türen öffnet. Ich würde mit Mara Lascar und Joy Corporate gerne weiter arbeiten."

  • Manuela Steiner, Senior Business Manager, Logistikfirma Bern

    „Eine herzliche Atmosphäre, ein qualitativ sehr gut ausgearbeitetes und präsentiertes Konzept. Selten habe ich erlebt, dass ein Konzept so spannend und spürbar vermittelt und gelebt wird. Die kreative Workshops machen so viel Spass und wir konnten für das erste Mal dieses Jahr richtig abschalten. Nach dem Workshop waren wir alle total entspannt und motiviert. Und jetzt möchten meine Kollegen privat ähnliche Kurse buchen.“

  • Meyrin E., Team Coordinator, Finanzdienstleistungsfirma Lausanne

    „Our people had an inspiring day discovering creative and hidden skills! It really helped us focus on what were the key values we wanted to bring to our new team which we uncovered in a very creative way through brainstorming, drawing and painting. Would highly recommend this experience to any corporate group who wish to get to know each other better, develop values to work by and get colourful for the day! Joy Corporate delivered their services with high standards and integrity.“

  • Tobias Schmidt, Business Development, HR Firma Zürich

    „We worked together with Joy Corporate to roll out a stress management program for our staff. This included massage sessions, mindfulness, yoga and stress management workshops. The feedback from staff was extremely positive and we look forward to working with JC again in the future.“

  • Heleonore L., Senior Recruitment, IT Firma Zug

    „Am Anfang waren wir etwas skeptisch, aber es war ein absolut gelungener Kommunikationsworkshop in sehr angenehmer Atmosphäre. Wir haben viele Stunden gearbeitet und uns auseinandergesetzt, aber wir haben viel gelacht, und einfach Spass gehabt“

    Mission & Values

    "Our goal is to make people happier and more productive. We rely on innovation, integrity and tested quality. This includes carefully selecting our partners! We work with a highly qualified team of experts. In everything we do, our customers are the focus."

    Mara Schär, CEO&Founder Joy Corporate GmbH, Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist®



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